08:00 > 17:00: David "Karit" Robinson - An Introductory Look at Software Defined Radio
08:00 > 17:00: Prem Kumar - iOS Application Security
08:00 > 12:00: Karl Barrett - REV.ENG.E
Summary: This course will use Software Defined Radios (SDR) to receive and decode messages and broadcast data over the airwaves.
It will cover:
About Dave: Dave/Karit has worked in the IT industry for over 10 years. In this time, he has developed a skillset that encompasses various disciplines in the information security domain. Dave is currently part of the team at ZX Security in Wellington, New Zealand and works as a penetration tester. Since joining ZX Security Dave has presented at ChCon, Defcon, Kiwicon, BSides Canberra, Unrestcon and numerous local meetups. In addition, he has run training/workshops at Syscan, Kiwicon and Tuskcon. He has a keen interest in lock-picking and all things wireless.
Tickets: $500 (order through Eventbrite).
Summary: The number of mobile applications available in the Apple App Stores is nearing 2 million and vulnerabilities are skyrocketing. Elimination of such security holes in iOS apps is critical for any developer/pentester, who wants to protect users from attackers. The agenda of this training would be to carry out, In-depth analysis of iOS vulnerabilities and remediation of such security holes.
We will also be looking at various tools and advanced techniques which are helpful for performing a successful mobile penetration test.
Learnings:Tickets: $500 (order through Eventbrite).
Summary: Reverse Engineering for Education/Entertainment is an informal training session to teach tools and techniques useful in application analysis.
The goal is to provide attendees with a high-level introduction to a variety of free (and predominately open source) toolsets; breaking down the stigma of reverse engineering being magical voodoo.
Learnings:Tickets: $250 (order through Eventbrite).
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